If you want a great life, ask great questions. Questions can be catalysts. They serve as challenges, inspirations, road maps, hints of something better, calls to action, and new beginnings. If you want better answers for your life, try asking better questions. Instead of asking, why me, why am I so unhappy, or what’s wrong with me, try asking, how can I make this work, how can I make a difference, or what am I grateful for?
Do you know where you are on your journey?
feel free to call us 833-954-2498 info@martyhale.com
Some of the good things you bring out in me
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I love you. Not only for what you are, But for who I am when I am with you....
Follow your True North
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Set your course by the stars, not by the light of every passing ship. -Omar Bradley One of the...
There are no have to’s in life…
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I can’t go skydiving, I have to be practical. I can’t go to my nieces graduation, I have to...
Happiness is in your hands
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Life moves pretty quickly these days. We make time for work and other obligations, and that’s important. But we...
Wake up call
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Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the...
You’re Famous!
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We are all connected. You make a post on Facebook, read by a guy in China, who forwards to...
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Who is the most important person in the organization? Everyone. In his book, Teaching the Elephant to Dance, author...