The Champion Inside You
feel free to call us 833-954-2498
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Green is many things: It is respect for the Earth and our place in it. It’s a sense of...
A penny means more than a diamond.
, , Marty Hale, News, news
“You never realize how much your mother loves you,” wrote Australian author Pam Brown, “till you explore the attic—and...
Passion and Purpose
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Finding your real purpose or passion is like searching all over the house for your car keys, only to...
What kind of time is it?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
In some Eastern, Polynesian, and Micronesian communities, the people don’t tell you what time it is—they tell you what...
Follow your dreams, they know the way.
, , Marty Hale, News, news
If you don’t have a dream, how can you have a dream come true? A goal is a dream...
Meaning of life
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because...
How big is your circle of compassion?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
My theory is that everyone at one time or another has been at the fringe of society in some...