Marty is an innovator and a terrific motivational speaker. Never forgetting his roots, he reaches for the sky and encourages others to overcome their obstacles to do the same. Engaging and funny, but serious about business. First class all the way. – Antoinette Boaz
Antoinette Boaz
feel free to call us 833-954-2498
Do Good.
, Marty Hale
Help publicly. Help privately. Help in your actions by recycling and conserving and protecting, but also in you attitude....
Living Backwards
, Marty Hale
The purpose of life can’t possibly be chronic busyness, obsessive money making, or status chasing. True, many people initially...
Jump out of that rut!
, Marty Hale
There’s a silent killer that stalks America. It’s called “rustout” and it’s far more deadly and scary than burnout....
Paul J. Meyer; Author
, Home, Marty Hale, Testimonial
I watched Marty become the #1 Recruiter in TPN and a top earner his first few months so we...
A penny means more than a diamond.
, Marty Hale
“You never realize how much your mother loves you,” wrote Australian author Pam Brown, “till you explore the attic—and...
Someday is not a day of the week.
, Marty Hale
One of our greatest illusions is that someday we will have more time to take action on our dreams...
Create your Mission Statement
, Marty Hale
If God came in and said, ‘I want you to be happy for the rest of your life,’ what...
Brighten your little corner of the world.
, Marty Hale
Startled by a dream he had in which he saw himself as a softly glowing beam of light moving...