Most people don’t aim too high and miss. They aim too low and hit. -Bob Moawad

There isn’t one person in a thousand who can write down his or her most exciting dreams without at the same time telling themselves that “its probably impossible.” The truth is, virtually anything is possible— nothing is too good to be true.

What would you attempt If you knew you couldn’t fail?

Thinking big, Kyle McDonald started small- with a paperclip to be exact. He posted it on craigslist as a barter and got a fish shaped pen for it. He then traded the pen for something better. One trade led to the next until MacDonald finally found himself the new owner of a three-bedroom house.

Give yourself persmission to aim high in work and life. Take time to dream and plan.

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable. – Christopher Reeve

Big ideas can be intimidating, but even your biggest and most daunting goal can be achieved if you simply break it up into bite-sized chunks.Struggling author Joseph Heller composed his best-selling book “catch-22” by writing little chunks in one or two hours everyday before work. Imagine what you could accomplish by applying the same principle to one or more of your biggest goals over the next five years. Remember: the sum total of a lot of little efforts isn’t little. Remember also to think for yourself. Who are “they” who exercise so much power over our lives? “They” said that Elvis Presley couldn’t sing. “They” said that James Joyce couldn’t write. “They” said that Michael Jordan couldn’t play. What do “They” say about you?

Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child, listen to the DON’TS—listen to the SHOULDN’TS, the IMPOSSIBLES, the WON’TS—listen to the NEVER HAVES. Then listen close to me—anything can happen, child ANYTHING can be. -Shel Silverstein

Either you are living out someone else’s dream for you, or you are setting your own course. Don’t let other people tell you who you are. Form the habit of saying “yes” to your own ideas. Then write down all the reasons why they will work. There will be plenty of people around to tell you why they wont work.

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you feel like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight—but never stop fighting! -e.e. cummings

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