Marty Hale Speaking Demo
feel free to call us 833-954-2498
, , Marty Hale, News, news
A Cherokee elder was teaching his children about life. He said to them, “a terrible fight is going on...
, , Marty Hale, News, Services, news
SPEAKING As a talented author and speaker, Marty has addressed over 2,000 audiences around the globe. Marty Hale has...
Create your Mission Statement
, , Marty Hale, News, news
If God came in and said, ‘I want you to be happy for the rest of your life,’ what...
Meaning of life
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because...
So, who are you really?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true that the most certain way for people to bring hope, help, meaning...
Live your life on Purpose
, , Marty Hale, News, news
You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes you can steer yourself any direction you choose....
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Because life is what you make it… Because no day ever repeats itself and no opportunity ever comes the...
Making a difference
, , Marty Hale, News, news
What does hope feel like? What does courage sound like? What does action look like? How do things get...