Every heart has a hidden treasure. A secret wish. A special goal to long for. -Jill Wolf

”Some people call it ‘treasure-mapping.’ Six years ago we sat down with some old magazines, and spent the afternoon cutting out pictures of places and things that reminded us of our shared dreams. Then we glued them into a collage that helped us to visualize what we really wanted out of our life together.

“Our collage showed a big log house on a hill, with a beautiful lake in the background, a barn and some horses in a pasture, and a garden with fruit tress. The picture kept us on track over the years. Now, when we watch the cherry trees break into bloom every spring, we can hardly believe this collage became the very life we wake up to each morning.”

Grab a pile of magazines and start cutting out pictures and headlines that help you clearly visualize one of your most exciting dreams—something you most want to do, have, be, see, or achieve together. Hang this visual image in your kitchen or bedroom—somewhere where you can gaze at it regularly together. Don’t worry about how you are actually going to make the dream come true. The simple act of converting your dream into a visual “image” has an uncanny way of stimulating your creativity—and the “how” will eventually open up to you.

Picture a dream together, and then live toward it.

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