I met Mr. Hale through the Tribal Gaming Industry and have become close friends for many years. He is always one step ahead of the competition. He’s also one of the best speakers and consultants I’ve had the privilege of knowing. – Ernie Stevens Jr.; NIGA Chairman
Ernie Stevens Jr.; NIGA Chairman
feel free to call us 833-954-2498 info@martyhale.com
Passion and Purpose
, Marty Hale
Finding your real purpose or passion is like searching all over the house for your car keys, only to...
Give Thanks
, Marty Hale, News
On December 14, 2005, the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle carried the story of a female humpback...
How will you give something beautiful to the world?
, Marty Hale
…The tragedy in life does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal...
Christine Varden
, Marty Hale, Testimonial
If anyone knows how to build something out of nothing, Marty is the guy! He will motivate and inspire...
Love is in the air. Breathe deeply.
, Marty Hale
If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with whom to...
, Marty Hale
Don’t “go” through life—“grow” through life. Realize that the journey of life is not about being right or pretending...
The world needs more you in it.
, Marty Hale
The world needs more you in it. In her speeches, Marian Wright Edelman, founder of Children’s Defense Fund, reminds...