I don’t know about you, but I can barely get across town without my GPS or google maps, much less take a long road trip to some unfamiliar place. Every time I do, I either stop to ask for directions all along the way or end up lost. Imagine building a house without a blueprint. It would be a disaster. What happens when you go to the grocery store without a list? We forget everything we need and get things we don’t need. It’s a complete waste of time! So I have a question; “If we can’t take a trip without a GPS, build a house without a plan, or go buy groceries without a list, why would anyone choose to go through life without a plan? Without designing their life? If you don’t want this to be you Download the Life App and Design Your Life on purpose.
GPS for Life?
feel free to call us 833-954-2498 info@martyhale.com
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