If you have found love, you have been given one of life’s greatest gifts. Treasure it. Savor it. Celebrate it. It’s not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts.

This is not a blog about obligations, it’s a blog about opportunities. The possibilities are endless. Be spontaneous. Be romantic. Appreciate each other. Fall in love with life all over again.

Go where you’ve never been. Dream together, plan together, laugh together, grow together.

How will you create something beautiful together?

From the time we are very small, we know that one plus one is two. But when the right people come together, one plus one is actually more than two. Much more.

We are not made to go through life alone. Everything about us is designed to become stronger, happier, and more fulfilled when we have found our love, our partner, our matching puzzle piece.

The miracle is that sharing life actually make life bigger. The arithmetic is magic. Real love always adds, never subtracts. With love, we double our joys, divide our worries, and multiply our possibilities for a life of meaning, romance and adventure.

Yes, life was meant to be shared. It’s not what we have in our life, but who we have in our life that counts. If you have found love, you have been given life’s greatest gift. How will you celebrate it? How will you use it to grow?

How will you create something beautiful together?

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