Cesar Rincon Endorses Marty Hale
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Which path of service is yours?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
There is a cause or an issue out there with your name on it, something you care about, someplace...
How do I love
, , Marty Hale, News, news
What makes you happy? What is your favorite place? What makes you feel good? What delights you? What do...
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Don’t “go” through life—“grow” through life. Realize that the journey of life is not about being right or pretending...
Become a Beginner Again
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Imagine seeing everything as if for the first time. We lose something wonderful when it becomes more important to...
The world needs more you in it.
, , Marty Hale, News, news
The world needs more you in it. In her speeches, Marian Wright Edelman, founder of Children’s Defense Fund, reminds...
Michael Fallquist; Founder and CEO of Crius Energy
, , Home, Marty Hale, News, Testimonial, news
As our Chief Ambassador Marty designed our coded bonus comp plan and training program. He also served as our...
Too busy for life?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
A USA Today poll asked Americans, “How busy are you?” The majority replied, “I am busier today than I...
Why are you unhappy?
, , Marty Hale, News, news
Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you do is for yourself—and there isn’t one. -Zen Saying...